Osteocondrose of the cervical spine

The neck osteocondrose it is a kind of degenerative change of the intervertebral discs in the neck region.

The neck osteocondrose

The negative exposed-and exposed not only to the discs and the vertebrae, soft cartilage tissue. The main feature of the neck is the fact that its vertebrae have not the most reliable of the building in comparison with that of other departments, which makes the region very vulnerable to attack. The ones here are located in close proximity to each other, and also to the fact that the channels of communication that carry the nutrition from the human brain.

If there is a dislocation of the vertebrae, with the likelihood of tightening of the beams of the nerve and the artery, which, in turn, it will give the appearance of a bulging in between the vertebrae and the protrusion of the t. e. changes in the structure of the disc of the spine.

What's all this about?

Osteocondrose of the cervical spine (Osteohondroz is degeneRAtenonno and degenerative diseases is the loss of the intervertebral disc, which is damaged in their own disks, the vertebrae and the joints in the cervical spine, there may be a reduction in the height of the intervertebral disc. The disease progresses if left untreated and can cause pain in the head, disturbances of the blood circulation, and even hernia repair. As for the osteoporosis, the disease that occurs because of a violation of mineral metabolism, with the result that the bones and joints become less strong.

Osteocondrose may cause instability of the cervical spine (the symptoms and treatment are similar with the chondrosis, but it has a lot of features), which is often accompanied by dislocation of the vertebrae. This, in turn, accelerates the development of degenerative disc disease by destroying the spinal department.

The stage

Your doctor should be able to determine the degree to which the development of degenerative disc disease of the cervix, on the basis of the foregoing, as well as to carry out the inspection of the patient. Can distinguish only four different grades:

  1. On the first level. The disease is located in the heart of a person, the patient may experience a little pain in the neck, which can be even more intense if the person starts to turn his head.
  2. The second-grade level. The patient may complain about intense pain in the neck department, you can LocalitatSya in the upper body. The clinical presentation of the show at this stage of the development of the disease may occur in the crushing of the bundles, the nerve, causing intense pain. It is also marked by headache, weakness, and general malaise.
  3. The third-grade level. The pain becomes almost continuous, and notdauseme also on the shoulder or on the arm. In some patients it is diagnosed as a herniated intervertebral disc, which leads to the loss of sensation of the upper extremities. In the exam, the doctor will be able to experience a marked decrease in the mobility of cervical spine as well as pain during palpation.
  4. The fourth-degree. At this stage, the disease is meWvertebral the disc is almost completely destroyed. In its place is the connective tissue, which leads to the deterioration of the health status of the patient. He begins to feel the pain, noises in the head, as well as poor orientation in space. It is said that the street happens to Defemlennnoth, which prevents the natural energy of the brain.

The symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease

The symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease

Major symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease are light-headedness, headache, surge in blood pressure as well as pressure.

The diagnosis of the disease difficult, and the pain sometimes does not manifest itself and the symptoms it leads to nature and a subclinical, in addition to this, the uncontrolled use of strong pain killers to mask the signs of the disease. The patient is not feeling pain, it is healthy, and so on, until the development of irreversible processes in the tissues of the joints of the neck.

The pain in the head when the cervical spine osteocondrose

This is one of the most common signs of non-specific in many diseases of the human body. The pain in the head, especially, is widespread in the female population. It is difficult to determine the cause of the pain in his head, and, more importantly, to tie it in with an injury to the spinal cord. He revealed some of the 14 causes of pain in the head of a man.

The most common causes of pain in the head is the same as that described in the pathology:

  1. Spasm, other vascular diseases of the brain;
  2. The crushing of the nerve;
  3. A reflection of the increased intracranial pressure.

The pain in the head when the cervical spine osteocondrose can give the appearance of feeling of high blood pressure, angina, or stroke. Even more so, among the people of the middle-aged and older, there is usually the risk of strokes or heart attacks.

You can feel the pain, it can be PristpacknonobRAznnoth, constant, throbbing, and dull.

When diseases of the heart, the patient complained of discomfort in the chest area, which is accompanied by a violation of the rhythm of the heart. To determine the cause, it can only a qualified medical professional. In the event of the occurrence of reports of aches and pains, headache, combined with nausea, dizziness, and retrosternal pain, which is necessarily, this is done by an EKG.

Dizziness when the neck osteocondrose

Dizziness when the neck osteocondrose

Such a condition does not always clearly point to the osteocondrose of the cervical spine.

The dizziness could be the result of:

  1. The swelling in the middle, or inner ear;
  2. A spasm of the blood vessels of the brain;
  3. The interruption of the transmission of nerve impulses;
  4. The problems with the noecomtebhavelIRnsm device;
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are no clear criteria for the vertigo when it osteocondrose. There is, however, of the system, and nonecomecomtemnse a spin, they are real differences.

Recommended to learn about the differences between the systems, and necomecomtemnnogno a spin, this will help you to determine the cause of nenRenosOpodo status:

  1. The system of the dizziness is the sensation of a circular movement around the object or of the body, which is the result of a breach of the work-the vestibular, visual, analyzer, and the receptors in the joints, muscles, and skin (osteocondrose of the etiology of the disease is diverse);
  2. Necomecomtemnnoe vertigo is the sensation of the durnnots, feeling light-headed, uncertain state, in the vertical direction. When you are not in the system, gnolnononoCreweWeneIx in the sense of the circular rotation is lacking, and this is an important difference between the two signals.

The man, the feeling, the vertigo of one of the specified types, it should be evaluated by a physician experienced in the first place, nenoRnoPAtnolnognom (or if you have any questions about the condition of the ear and the nasopharynx) by a ent specialist.

The reason for the emergency and hospital visits that are not related to the nocomtenocom chondrosis of the cervical spine, it is the identification of a person (other than a spin of such signs, as:

  1. The paralysis of the facial muscles, and numbness in any part of the shoulder strap of the seat belt;
  2. Severe pain in the head and against the deterioration of well-being.
  3. - Infringement of coordination of movements;
  4. With the loss, or the loss of consciousness.

The peaks of the blood pressure, and strain on the neck osteocondrose

Pressure in the artery when the cervical osteocondrose

The ratio of degenerative cervical disc disease with irregular blood pressure were installed. Cervical vertebrae are important to all the nerve endings and blood vessels.

They are characteristic for the peak pressure during the day. High blood pressure over a sustained period of time, it is not common for this disease. The reflex irritation of the nerve endings, and the spasm of the blood vessels that lead to the bounce on the daily pivot to the high blood pressure.

A distinctive feature of the pressure build-up in the region of the cervical osteocondrose it is a combination of one or more of the following symptoms:

  • The pain in the head;
  • Pain in the limbs and the chest;
  • The decrease in the sensitivity of the area to the neck area.
  • The occurrence of the reported peak pressure, then the stress and tension in the muscles, for a long period of time to find the problems with your posture, and other similar situations.

These characteristics should be considered when self-differentiation is the hypertension of different genesis.

The other peaks in the HELL is the rapid deterioration in the well-being and is the basis for a treatment of medically assisted.

The syndromes of degenerative disc disease.

The clinical Picture of the cervical spine of a degenerative disease of the disk, if it can fit in various conditions. The syndrome is a the more symptoms that occur together.

Osteocondrose is made up of the following two conditions:

  1. Of the spine. Also called the spine, which suggests that the pathologic process involved in bone and cartilage tissue. This causes the formation of these symptoms, such as: the restriction of the training of the motor activity of the neck, and pain for her curves, examination of the change in the image of the cervical spine. It is the appearance of simultaneous, each one of these signs is a spinal disorder. As a collection of clinical signs that can occur when myositis (the pathology of muscle tissue), and the movement is painful, a companion of many other diseases.
  2. The syndrome of the anterior spinal artery. It appears when engaging in the process of the beam, other vascular diseases, which are responsible for the circulation of the blood in the tissues of the central nervous system. The symptoms indicate that the brain tissue is no longer receiving the proper amount of nutrients. How do you recognize this syndrome? The first symptoms are shortness of breath, a feeling of ringing in your ears, blood pressure changes, and the appearance of a "veil" in front of your eyes. It is said that one of the vertebral arteries is stavlennia the state. Each ship has its nerve endings. If you squeeze the ones that Innervate anterior spinal artery appears to migraine headaches, loss of short deadlines and the diminution of vision on one side. Eventually, the change of the vessel leads to the fact that the brain's need for oxygen. At this time, the person will feel sleepy, in-the-moment-of-violation-of-conscience, and you lose the attention of the control, the worse it runs, and saves the information. When the clinical picture is necessary to differentiate between the cervical and osteocondrose with atherosclerotic injury of the artery, and compression of the tumor, or inflammation.
  3. The heart of the disorder. It manifests as burning in the chest area,the onset of shortness of breath. People can feel the palpitations more frequent, becomes tired and irritable. This situation is typical of the pathology of the heart, for example, angina pectoris, coronary syndrome, and stroke. A definite conclusion about the cause of these symptoms, you can do it after you do it for the patient to go for an ECG.
  4. The root of the disorder. The neck department, innervates the 8 pairs of nerves, each of which has its roots from the nerves to the place of exit of the nerve from the spinal cord. When it's included in osteocondrose, the patient should feel a decrease in sensitivity or vice-versa is a pain. It may occur as a sense of numbness in the nape of the neck, if the pain, numbness of the tongue, the BTE area, pain in the supraclavicular area. Sometimes, there occur the disturbances of deglutition, the movements at the time of the upper limbs, paresthesia of the fingers of the hand.

The first-aid kit in the house, to the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease.

With a sharp pain syndrome, may apply to anaesthetic drugs such as Analgin, Tempalgin, or Baralgin. If these medications don't provide relief, you can take NSAID's (Nise, or Diclofenac).

They are often "distractions" that means, for example, a Spray adhesive, it is not a cure, but it only heats the area is sore, and distract you from the pain. In the case of the formation of an edema in the area of inflammation, the patient may drink an infusion of herbs), or a diuretic, for 3 to 4 days. You can heal your osteocondrose of these methods? These measures are only temporary, so the treatment of the reasons why, you should consult with your doctor.

It should be noted that in order to your doctor about the osteocondrose. When you are prompted to suspect the cause of the pain in the region of the cervical department of the spine is the rise of degenerative disc disease, you should contact your neurologist. This is a professional deal with an illness of this type. In some hospitals there is the narrow specialist involved, disorders of the spinal column. If your office is around the spine, one must raise the question of how to cure this disease immediately to it.

Electrophoresis (ce) for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the neck

Such as explaining and talking points for the osteocondrose neck?

In the early stages of the development of a cure for the osteocondrose, it is possible without drugs, just enough for you to review at your diet, routine, daily, regularly, maré, rio de janeiro, and special activities. When the execution of the forms of effective treatment for the disease is only possible by the application of a variety of drugs that help to suspend the degenerative changes in the vertebrae.

In the complex treatment of the events that necessarily need to involve physical therapy electrophoresis with drugs, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy, laser. These methods will help you deal with the pain, inflammation and edema of tissue, improve metabolism and blood circulation.

Medical treatment

The most important methods for the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease in the spine is the treatment of medical, nursing, physical therapy, massage neck-neck area, especially effective in the treatment facility when the cervix osteocondrose. The main groups of drugs used for this disease include the following:

Name The principle of operation of
The Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDS). It is voltaren, Nise, Movalis, has a Ketonal, lixidol, diclofenac, nimesulide, and others To reduce the pain that is caused, is to promote the removal of aseptic inflammation and edema in the root of the nerve that is damaged.
Drugs that improve the transport and rheological properties of the blood, and the circulation of the blood. It is aminophylline, pentoxifylline. To improve the power supply damaged the nerve roots and improves the flow of blood to the head unit to the brain.
The vitamin of the group. It is combilipen, unigame, milgamma, neurobion. Improves the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
Relaxing your muscles. It's mydocalm, sirdalud, relief, tizanidine, and PR. They are drugs, and the removal of spasm of the muscles.
XnondRnoPRnoTektnoRs. The (glucosamine and chondroitin) artra, teraflex, doppelgerts, stone, toad, Andronova, structovis, alflutop. They are drugs, and the repair of cartilage tissue, including intervertebral disc.

To take the tablets for degenerative disc disease, recall that a significant effect of the treatment is drug-based pills, it will only be the case if you combine it with other methods, including exercise. Thus, it should be noted that the physician should assign the points, explaining and talking about the disease in its early stages, and in the other the signals.